The subjects of the
paranormal, demonic possession and that of evil unknown have always been
intriguing plotlines for filmmakers to take on throughout the years. Maybe it
has to do with the fact that these particular topics have a tendency to conjure
an unsettling feeling amongst some, or maybe it is the subject in itself: any
one of these topics are almost commonly been looked upon as evil itself,
causing a sense of discomfort or uneasiness. Case in point, what is it about
the almost unsettling feeling we seek when attending a film based on evil or
its manifestations? Is there a trigger within us that makes us more consciously-
aware if a story is ‘fact- based’ than fiction and does it affect our
acceptance or rejection of what we are viewing? The point being... do
paranormal films, based on true events, affect us more personally than those of
the fictitious kind? Finally, is there really a difference between horror
genres to make a point worthy?
It could be grossly
misconstrued that all horror subjects/ films/ stories are all the same, as if
lumped into one large generic category: If it causes a sense of fear and it relinquishes
a reaction of terror or ‘scare’, than it falls under the category of a horror
film. ‘Slasher’ films, terror, creature/ alien and paranormal, demonic
possession and that of evil unknown all ride under the big banner with the word
“horror” plastered on its moniker. Period. As what has been the perceptions
made by the general consensus or moral- majority groups, it is unfair to
conveniently mash all of the themes under one title for all, since each theme
brings its own lore that differentiates itself from the other. On the other
hand, there are those that understand the mechanics and reasons to what makes
any particular subject of terror more effective than another.
My topic focuses on
the source materials entitled ‘demonic possession/ paranormal and evil
manifestations’ and, be it hinted or obvious, the filmmakers use of these
controversial topics’ portrayals (and embellishments) by Hollywood. I will be
placing specific attention to certain films that have been fact- based, with
such recent entries like THE CONJURING franchise and how it has presented
itself as the modern submission of mainstream horror films.
The subjects of terror,
demonic possession and evil manifestations have been a mainstay in the filming
community for almost as long as the existence of moving pictures itself. Over
the years, the presentations have changed and have taken new shape with almost
every generation to keep up with the times, so to speak. Regardless, the very
idea of the unknown and the simplistically stripped- down ghost stories always
manage to find its audiences huddled in the dark, preparing themselves for the
unexpected. While on the lines of the discussion, there are those who may argue
on the subject due to a variety of purposes. Such degrees can range from the
continuity of the story line, demonic or possession interpretation on a
religious or non-standpoint, the representation of fact versus fiction and so
on and so forth…This is where I begin. Allow, then, a snapshot look at the
earlier “fact- based” films that focused on the topic of manifestations and
representations of evil.
In the period of one
decade that was the 1970’s, Hollywood had unleashed two very profound ‘fact-
based’ horror films: 1973’s THE EXORCIST and 1979’s THE AMITY VILLE HORROR. Not
based on fact, but placing similar attention on the topic and subject, 1976’s fictitious
telling of THE OMEN was also released. There is no doubt that the three films
mentioned were a definitive leap forward into the world of terrorized film
making, making a profound impact on society for its time, but coincidentally
enough, all dealt with the same subject matter: demonic manifestation. These
films alone ushered a more cerebral and psychological effect on the impact made
than just merely seeing puppeteered monsters or aliens taking over the world,
as were the general story line of the B- movie rave of the 1950’s and early
Although a strong
decade for horror films, the 1980’s advancements in special effects and
experimental techniques in cinematography may have ‘crutched’ the more
realistic approach that its predecessors took. That, nonetheless, still didn’t
stop film makers from presenting a new wave of subject- related entries. The eerie
performance of Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of Jack Torrance, a man who (one might
say) became the ‘host’ of an evil manifestation from existing residuals within
an old Hotel resort makes 1980’s THE SHINING a stand-out and unforgettable
presentation of equal parts unknown and evil manifestation- based behaviors.
Possibly considered
an unexpected occurrence, when bringing up the serious subject of related evil,
possession and darkness; are the pop cultural acceptances that unsuspectedly
rose out of the ashes of the fearsome films they came from. Examples would begin
with the seemingly lifeless portrayal of the evil- driven Michael Myers in John
Carpenter’s 1978 classic HALLOWEEN. The film, along with the character’s
portrayal, might be considered the building- blocks to the human embodiment of
evil and the set- up for ‘slasher’ genre. That being said, the genre of
‘slasher’ is defined as such, but also borrows from the genre of ‘possession/
evil manifestation because of the somewhat supernatural and indestructible
force embodied. Another such example is the 80’s manifestation of Jason
Voorhees, the relentless slasher from the FRIDAY THE 13th franchise.
Other examples definitely include the depiction by Robert Englund as the vile
and evil Freddy Kruger in Wes Craven’s 1984 film A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and
Doug Bradley’s dark and sinister cenobite known as “Pinhead” in 1987’s
HELLRAISER directed by Clive Barker. Both would arguably fall under the
category of examples of manifestations created by evil and its representation
in its purist form; existing to serve evil and torture its captives. These two
characters come from the same back story of Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees as
being evil- driven and an obvious embodiment of an evil manifestation. Even in
its original text of being taken seriously, all might be used as examples of,
ironically enough, finding an audience that not only accepts the wrong doings
and the servitude of evil, but have embraced it, thus becoming pop icons in
today’s society.
Examples can go on
and on; however, the point has been duly made: the history of evil representation
in film have been established and existed for decades. It is understood that
these films or characters cannot be ignored as well. These films have become
mainstays that everyone is familiar with, whether you are the avid horror fan
or not. The basis of such films and the characters created within, cannot
escape the lore of interacting and interweaving into the fabric of society and pop
culture, thus our lives, no matter what your ideals, beliefs or interests are.
In point- blank realty, the topics and films have become a part of the American
and foreign institutional walk of life, per say.
Let me make one
thing perfectly clear before we continue: no one film has ever stayed true to
complete factual- based storytelling in the history of filmmaking, unless it
falls into the format of a documentary. Based on that statement, it can be
agreed upon that even the most factually- based film couldn’t be told without
some degree of Hollywood embellishment served along for good measure. With that
established, the topic of evil manifestation, based on true events, can be
further discussed.
Let’s begin with director
William Friedkin’s THE EXORCIST, for example. The film was based off of the
book of the same name by author William Peter Blatty released in 1971. Blatty
took inspiration for his best-selling novel when he came across the fact- based
story that occurred in Cottage City, Maryland involving a
13 year old boy in 1949.
The true occounts, as
it was: “Roland Doe”, the name given to protect his personal identity after
said events, had reportedly been toying around with a Oujia board, in hopes to
communicate with his recently deceased aunt. The two were very close and
Roland’s aunt had been known to use a Oujia board of her own to communicate
with spirits as well. In earlier documented events, it would seem as if his family
was becoming increasingly aware of strange occurrences around the house.
Disturbances such as noises, thumps, sounds of scratches on the walls and under
the floor boards were, at first, ignored by the family and considered the
probable cause of rodents. Things quickly escalated to more profound
occurrences such as the sounds of marching feet and the mother’s reported
discovery of walking into her Roland’s room and finding the bed and boy shaking
violently. A conclusion came to light that these events were not the
repercussions created by attempting to communication with the deceased aunt,
but rather the works of another entity with evil intentions. Furniture; such as
chandeliers, dressers and tables, began to move by themselves as well as the documented
occurrence of ‘Roe’s’ father witnessing his son being violently ejected from a
chair and hurled several feet away from where he had been sitting.
Additionally, changes
in Roland’s behavior was becoming more increasingly disturbing as night fell.
Marks, scratches and bruises would mysteriously appear on his body without any
indication of either self- inflicted or inflicted injuries by another person.
Fr. Walter Halloran |
After a couple of
failed attempts to rid the evil entity embodying Roland, a cousin finally stepped
up and contacted one of his professors from the St. Louis University, Raymond
Bishop, who then spoke with an associate at the College Church, William
Bowdern, for assistance. Both men were priests who traveled to Roland’s home only
to personally witness flying objects, the shaking bed and Roland speaking in
deep and raspy voices. After reporting his findings and submitting a request, Bowdern
was given permission by an archbishop to perform an exorcism. Before the
procedure could begin, two more priests were also called to assist, Walter
Halloran and a Jesuit priest by the name of William Van Roo. Halloran mentioned
that Roland displayed words, like “evil”, inscribed onto his body along with
various other markings.
After an unknown
period of time spent performing the exorcism, the priests felt that they had
succeeded in ridding the evil that had possessed Roland. Because his true name
and identity are considered unknown, the boy, only known by his alias, has been
led to believe to be living a normal life to this day. He has never come out
and spoken about any of his torments in public.
Actress Linda Blair: THE EXORCIST |
Reviewing the
synopsis of Roland Doe’s plight, one can see the similarities and differences
between the true story and the one developed for the novel and the film. One
extreme change befell that the sex of the possessed was changed from Roland
being male to female actress Linda Blair’s portrayal of Regan MacNeil for the
film version. Locations and time frames were also changed from late
1940’s-early 50’s Maryland and St. Louis to the film’s events occurring in 1973
Georgetown, Washington. Other details included name changes and more
specifically, the details that led to and the actual performance of the
exorcism itself. All in all, however, Blatty’s novel served as the basis for a
very realistically- paced build up from Regan’s innocent introduction to the
transition and evil manifestation her character presented within the film’s
development to conclusion. The film succeeded in drawing its audience into a
world of unexpected probabilities and developing a feeling of helplessness when
over-powered by evil.
A more accurate
telling is perhaps the novel- to- film adaptation of 1979’s THE AMITYVILLE
HORROR. The story focused on the 28 days in December of 1975 that the Lutz’
lived in the foreboding home located in Long Island, New York. Previous events
reported that the house had been “possessed” or inhabited by evil spirits,
accounting for the incidents that occurred with previous homeowners, the
De Feo’s. The now famous home served as the location of the 1974 murders
committed by oldest son, Ronald De Feo, who used a rifle to murder his parents,
two younger brothers and sister before the events that haunted the Lutz’.
before it, Hollywood took some liberties with what had been documented in THE
AMITYVILLE HORROR novel written by Jay Anson, based on the stories told by
George and Kathy Lutz. Published in September of 1977, the novel accounted the
alleged events that occurred from the Lutz’ point of view, after the ill- fated
move into the home. Due to the well- known status and popularity of both the
novel and the 1979 film, my compared fact- based- versus- film embellishments
will be kept brief. By my opinion, more reality- based background of the true
incidents from THE EXORCIST needed more coverage.
Mug-shot of Ronald De Feo |
Facts mentioned:
Ronald De Feo did murder his family on November 13, 1974, claiming voices from
within the house told him to commit the crimes. Almost a year later on December
18, 1975, newlyweds George and Kathy Lutz arrived with Kathy’s three children
from a previous marriage, two boys and a girl, to live at the same home the
De Feo murders occurred in, without their awareness. Incidents reported by the
Lutz’ while inhabiting the house included unexplained cold spots from within the
home, disconnected sounds including those of feet marching, an incident of a priest in the
process of blessing the house was interrupted by a deep voice told him to “get out” and Missy
Lutz, youngest of the three children speeking to an imaginary pig- like friend
named “Jodie” which was believed to be an evil entity that had materialized
itself in Missy’s presence several times.
George & Kathy Lutz |
When reviewing the Amityville
events portrayed in comparisons to the book and film, it would seem as if the
true story and events that occurred to both the DeFeo and Lutz’ families, respectfully,
are a little more widely known than the actual incidents that THE EXORCIST was
based on.
An important tie- in
and a great way to introduce the next chapter of the topic in hand is the
connection of the aftermath of the Amityville incident and the paranormal
investigating couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren.
February 1976.
Nearly two months after the Lutz’ evacuated their home, leaving all their
personal belongings behind from the hasty departure caused by the paranormal
activities experienced from their ill- fated 28 day stay at the Amityville
home, the Warrens were invited to join a small team of reporters and
investigators… the Lutz’ were also invited and refused to re-enter the house.
Ed & Lorraine Warren |
Ed Warren was a religious
demonologist and Lorraine Warren, a trance medium. From the moment the Warrens
walked into the abandoned Amityville house, it was understood that there was a
presence that made both investigators very uncomfortable, reportedly feeling
that something had attached itself and followed them home. Ed experienced more
physical contact including feeling a powerful, inhumane presence. Lorraine, on
the other hand, couldn’t shake images of the slain DeFeo family. Edward Warren
passed away on August 23, 2006… Lorraine will be 90 years old on January 31,
2017 and has retired from the physical paranormal investigation business and now
focuses her attentions as an occasional public speaker and making limited
public appearances. On numerous interviews, Lorraine has stated that she would
never return to the Amityville house ever again.
Thanks to numerous
cable networks, the early 2000's rolled- out more public awareness of the world of ghost hauntings and paranormal investigating, bringing the Warren cases to light and expressing a huge interest to those
followers. Hollywood still continues keeping up with the latest of trends,
having made several films based on paranormal, ghost hauntings and evil manifestation-
themed stories right into the new century. One true investigation that became
an interesting story to make its way onto the big screen was titled as “The
Perron Case,” also known as director James Wan’s 2013 film, THE CONJURING.
Roger and Carolyn
Perron purchased a farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island in the winter of
1970. The Perrons’ felt the 200 acre land was the perfect location to raise
their five daughters: Andrea, April, Christine, Cynthia and Nancy. They lived
in that farmhouse for approximately ten years before moving out in June of
The Arnold Estate |
The Arnold Estate,
as it was known, had eight generations live and die on the estate’s property
including the death of Mrs. John Arnold. At the age of 93, Mrs. Arnold had
decided to hang herself from the rafters of the barn. More stories of suicides,
caused by hangings or poisoning, also surfaced during research conducted of the
property and its previous owners. The Perron family almost instantaneously
became aware that there were additional ‘occupants’ from within the estate. It
would seem as if actual sightings and spiritual interactions almost became
commonplace with the Perrons. It was reported that some were considered
friendly spirits; almost interacting with the family and becoming a part of their every day life, however, not all the spirits were nice.
Darker spirits on
the estate caused number of unexplained physical disturbances including yanking the
children’s’ legs and hair. Loud banging on the front door would occur as well
other doors slamming on their own. One particular disembodied spirit would keep
the family awake by continually crying out throughout the night, “Mama!
Bathsheba Sherman |
Despite the interactions
experienced by the Perron family, there was one particular spirit, so evil,
that no one will disclose what it did to them to this day. The spirit is
believed to be that of Bathsheba Sherman, a woman who lived on the
property in the early 19th century. Rumors from within town began to
spread that Bathsheba might had been a practicing witch, experimenting with
dark forces…there was never any hard evidence to confirm those allegations, however.
According to
reports, it was after about four years of experiencing paranormal activities in
the farm house, that the Perrons were urged to contact Ed and Lorraine Warren
to intervene with an investigation. Instead of clearing the house, it seemed as
if the Warrens might have actually made matters worse, only provoking to make
things even more unbearable for the Perron family. One such incident that occurred was a
séance conducted to try to ward off the evil entities. While this occurred,
Carolyn was believed to had been temporarily possessed, beginning to speak in another language and
using a voice never heard before. The forces of evil were far too strong that
the Warrens left the Perrons, stating that this was the most significant and worst they had ever encountered. in their 50 years of paranormal investigating.
Due to financial
restraints and not having the opportunity to sell the farm house and move
elsewhere, the Perron family endured an additional six years before finally
moving out. It is said that other families that have moved into the old Arnold Estate
have also experienced unusual activities and ghostly hauntings as well.
(l) Lorraine Warren & (r) Director James Wan |
made into a major motion picture and released on July 19, 2013 with a budget of
an estimated $20 million dollars. The film was very well received and went on
to gross an approximate $138 million during its theatrical run. Due to the
overwhelming success of the film and the interest in Ed and Lorraine
Warren’s paranormal investigations, it wouldn't be long before the creative
team would come together to illustrate another chapter in the true stories of
the investigative couple.
(l) Janet, Billy (c) Peggy, Johnny (r) Margaret |
Ed and Lorraine
Warren have been paranormal investigators throughout their lives together and
had experienced every kind of supernatural occurrence imaginable. Many
investigations also means that there were many stories to be told with an
audience eagerly awaiting for the next story to unfold. The couple would find
their next investigation, now taking them to England to what would be known as
The Enfield Haunting or The Enfield Poltergeist.
The date is exact,
beginning on the evening of August 30, 1977 in the small town of Enfield, a
borough located in Northern London. The Hodgson family consisted of Peggy, a single
mother caring for her four children; Margaret 12, Janet 11, Johnny 10 and Billy
7, separated from their father. Trying to keep the children disciplined, Peggy
always made sure that everyone was in bed within a particular hour when she
heard Janet complaining from their room upstairs that her and her brothers’
beds were shaking. Just as Peggy was yelling instructions to Janet to settle
in, she heard a crash come from one of the bedrooms. Finally entering
Janet’s bedroom, Peggy witnessed the chest of drawers move by themselves. She tried
pushing them back but they were moving towards the direction of the door, overpowering her.
Vic Nottingham |
After appealing with
one of her neighbors, Vic Nottingham went to the house to investigate the
activities for himself. He was reported to have heard knocking noises coming from the walls,
on the ceiling and in the bedroom. Since the Nottinghams could do nothing,
Peggy’s next step was to call the police for assistance. Officer Carolyn Heeps
arrived to the scene and witnessed a chair move across the floor on its own. This
account occurred in plain view in front of the Hodgson family. The officer
inspected the chair for wires but couldn’t find a logical explanation for what
had been witnessed by all.
Unclear of exact
details, the Warrens were amongst many investigators who did in fact visit the
Hodgson’s North London home in the summer of 1978. The events or involvements
are sketchy, as many stories seem to have conflicts with how much the Warrens
had to do with the clearing of the home in the end. Other investigators claim the Warrens were only at Enfield for one day before leaving back to the States.
Most of the accounts
documented came from recording sessions conducted with Janet in the room. The
audio tapes recorded Janet speaking in a deep, almost trance- like state. The
raspy voice was believed to have been that of Bill Wilkins, a man who actually
died in the living room of the house some years back. It was confirmed that
Wilkins died in an armchair in the living room after suffering a brain
After interviews had
been conducted, it was concluded that the paranormal events began shortly after
Janet and her sister Margaret played with a Ouija board.
When the original THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSCRE was released in 1972, it touted the inscription "based on a true story" that had filmgoers believing that the film documented events that occurred somewhere in the state of Texas, re-enacted by actors! As time passed, director Tobe Hooper admitted that the film was loosely based on the actual cases of Ed Gein, a notorious murderer and grave robber from the 1950's who would later be the inspiration to the creation of the Norman Bates character for PSYCHO. Gein lived in Wisconsin and no where near Texas. The example hopefully clarifies certain liberties that can be taken by Hollywood to help create a certain illusion.. in this case, the "based on a true story" being actual documented accounts of events that occurred and those involved.
(l) Patrick Wilson (r) Vera Farmiga as the Warrens |
Having explored the example and reviewing the true incidents that occurred in Enfield, we can definitely understand the 'loosely' based theory that makes- up THE CONJURING 2. The story's premise and certain events are true, however, the film carries the inscription "the next true story from the case files of Ed and Lorraine Warren." Having done the research, it is understood that the reality of the Warrens' involvement with the Hodgson family may had only had been for the reported one day and not the extensive timeline presented in the film. This proves the theory that the inscription could carry some truth and gives Hollywood the advantage to embellish the storyline to excite the audience for another great adventure.
THE CONJURING 2 opened in theaters on July 10, 2016 with an estimated budget of $40 million dollars. It would gross an estimated $315 million worldwide.
ANNABELLE: (l) movie & (r) real versions |
There are stories to
be told. Whether it is fashioned into a novel or a film, the fact is that the
telling of a true story may not always be the truth. It may be considered human
nature to embellish the truth to make it more exciting. Touching on the topics
discussed, involving the paranormal, demonic possession and that of evil
unknown, only makes the skeptic raise a doubting eyebrow even more when it is
learned that the stories are blurred from reality. So, to some extent, do these
phenomenons truly exist? The topics are debatable… but stories are out there
nonetheless. Maybe it’s the human psyche that wants to believe in strange
occurrences or disembodied hauntings and activities. Maybe we need to believe
in spirits to help validate our own human existence. Maybe it is a realm that
is frantically trying to communicate with the living… spirits that are
desperately trying to make a connection to the living world they once coexisted
The individual
perception will believe its own truth… you either believe or you do not. You
can be skeptical, maybe requiring an act of proof. One thing that cannot be
denied, however, is the fact that there are unexplained situations that happen
every day. A silhouette caught from the corner of one’s eye, a sudden shiver of
coldness in the room, a feeling of not being alone when the room is deathly
quiet. Moments like these are sudden and quick… sometimes passed- off as a
figment of the imagination. Keep a weathered eye open and a camera ready…
because you never know if the sense of fiction maybe a sudden reality!